Visual Studio .NET enables developers to build the next generation of Internet applications today. Providing the most modern and feature-rich development environment, Visual Studio .NET provides developers with the tools for integrating solutions across operating systems and languages. With Visual Studio .NET, developers can easily convert existing business logic into reusable XML Web Services, encapsulating processes and making them available to applications on any platform. Developers can easily incorporate any number of Web Services that are cataloged and available in many independent UDDI directories, providing a strong foundation of services and business logic for their applications. Using XML, an industry standard technology for describing data, Visual Studio .NET developers can build high-performance data-driven applications.
Developers can use built-in ADO.NET tools that target a variety of databases, including SQL Server, Oracle, or any other XML source. With intrinsic support for XML, ADO.NET enables developers to share data across disparate computing platforms. Additionally, Visual Studio .NET includes the Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE), a 100% SQL Server-compatible database that provides programmers with a viable development database and natively supports XML for maximum interoperability. Visual Studio .NET allows programmers to create and deploy critical server-based business logic. Historically, server-based programming has been tedious to code, prone to error, and difficult to test. With Visual Studio .NET, developers can visually compose middle-tier components using the Visual Component Designer (VCD). The VCD enables developers to drag and drop non-visual objects such as message queues, timers, and event logs, to a design surface, automatically discovering all necessary server-based resources and configuring required components. Finally, production Web applications requiring critical changes can be altered using the new Dynamic Properties feature, letting developers simply update XML files without requiring a full recompilation of the application.
-Visual Studio .NET is the tool that provides developers the key to the next generation Internet with XML Web Services, high performance database applications with XML and RAD for the Server. It enables developers to build solutions for the broadest range of clients from Web applications to Windows to thin-client devices to smart devices. The RAD capabilities provide a shared IDE and a choice of programming languages from Visual Basic, C++, C# and Java. Visual Studio .NET Professional is RAD for the Programmable Web.
-Quickly build next-generation Internet applications
Create components that can be accessed on any platform using XML Web services. Convert existing functions to XML Web services and reuse existing Web services. Build high-performance database applications using with Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE)-a 100 percent SQL Server-compatible engine-using ADO .NET and XML.
-Create solutions that span any platform or device.
Simplify development of browser-based applications with shared Web Page, XML Schema, and Style Sheet visual designers. Build powerful Microsoft Windows-based applications and target mobile devices.
-Cut time-to-market for powerful, scalable applications.
Leverage an integrated development environment to share one toolbox, debugger, form designer, and task window across languages. Jump-start development by assembling applications with reusable .NET user interface, database, and server components. Choose among easy-to-use, modern programming languages.
- New Shared IDE Single, unified, fully customizable environment shared across all Visual Studio .NET languages
- New Visual Studio Start Page Central location for setting preferences, reading product news, accessing developer-related discussions and opening recently accessed projects
- New Dynamic Help Provides instant access to help that is relevant to the current development task
- New Task List Allows developers to organize the development process by annotating code, monitoring and quickly accessing errors and warnings
- New Server Explorer Allows developers to access and integrate server administration tools, event logs, databases and XML Web services
- New Component Designer RAD for the Server enables drag-and-drop programming for non-visual middle-tier objects.
- New Visual Studio Macros Allows developers to customize, automate and extend the functionality of the IDE, as well as integrate Visual Studio .NET with other tools such as Office
- New XML Designer Provides intuitive tools for working with XML and XSD file
- New Integrated Debugger Helps shorten the development cycle with cross-language, cross-process and remote debugging
- Enhanced Solution Explorer Hierarchical access to Multilanguage projects
- New Command Window Command-line interface to IDE commands
- New Auto-Hide Windows Developers can maximize their workspace area with auto-hide tool windows
New IntelliSense for HTML and XML Statement completion and syntax notification for HTML and XML tags
- Enhanced Toolbox New components for Web Form, Windows Form and Data development that allows developers to store code blocks for reuse at a later time
- New Powerful Server Components Integrated server components help simplify building applications that use Exchange, MSMQ, Performance Counters and Events Logs.
- New Dynamic Properties Developers can modify application functionality without writing or compiling new code.
- New XML Web Services
Easily expose any component as an XML Web service Developers can use the keyword to automatically expose any function or method as a XML Web service.
Consume XML Web services from any platform Developers can work against XML Web services regardless of the operating system or hardware platform that they are implemented on and take advantage of key Visual Studio productivity features including IntelliSense statement completion.
- New Shared Web Forms
Web Forms Designer Developers can rapidly build broad-reach Web applications using the familiar forms-based approach. By dragging and dropping Web controls, developers can visually lay out a Web page and then implement business logic in a compiled language such as Visual Basic or the - Visual C# development system.
Web Controls Developers can rapidly build scalable Web applications that can service multiple-user interface devices. Web Controls are compiled and run on the server for maximum performance and can be inherited and extended for even more functionality.
- New Programming the Mobile Internet
Mobile Web Forms Controls These controls generate markup language for different devices.
Mobile Internet Designer This integrated Visual Studio .NET designer provides drag-and-drop mobile development.
- New Shared Windows Forms
New Form Inheritance Developers can increase productivity by sharing standard forms that can be inherited and extended across an organization.
- New In-Place Menu Designer Developers can quickly define Windows Menus and see how they look without having to run an application.
- New Windows Forms Designer This feature allows drag-and-drop creation of Window-based applications.
- New Powerful Graphics Control Fine-grained control of graphics features enables powerful, professional looking applications.
- New Control Anchoring and Docking These features provide flexible and powerful layout for controls.
Visual Basic .NET
- New Object-Oriented Features Code reuse is enhanced with full object-oriented programming features including Inheritance, encapsulation, overloading and polymorphism.
- New Direct Access to .NET Framework Developers can directly access the comprehensive programming interface to .NET.
- New Seamless Language Interoperability Developers can easily inherit code and forms from other .NET languages, interact seamlessly with other languages and debug Multilanguage applications.
- New Upgrade Application Wizard Seamlessly upgrade code from Visual Basic 6.0 to Visual Basic .NET with tools and guidance from the Upgrade Wizard.
- New Structured Exception Handling Try...Catch...Finally helps minimize code duplication for error handling.
Visual C++ .NET
- New Attributes Attributed COM+ programming reduces the amount of code to be written.
- New Managed Extensions Managed Extensions for C++ help developers using Visual C++ write applications for .NET.
- New ATL Server ATL Server enables high-performance XML Web services to be written using C++.
- New Optimizing Compiler Developers can write powerful, high-performance applications with the optimizing compiler.
New Visual C# .NET
- Versioning Built-in features support object versioning.
- Attributes Attribute-based programming increases developer productivity.
- Garbage Collection Garbage collection relieves programmers of the burden of manual memory management.
C and C++ Heritage C and C++ developers can take advantage of this new, modern, productive language.