The Service Pack 4 (SP4) for Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 and Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) 1.0 provides updates for the database components of a SQL Server 7.0 or MSDE 1.0 installation, including: the data engine, database client utilities such as SQL Server Enterprise Manager and osql (SQL Server 7.0 only) and database client connectivity components, such as the OLE DB Provider for SQL Server, the SQL Server ODBC driver, and the client Net-Libraries. SQL Server 7.0 SP4 can be applied to computers running either the SQL Server 7.0 data engine or MSDE 1.0. Service Pack 4 Setup automatically detects the edition of SQL Server 7.0 or MSDE 1.0 that is present on the computer and only upgrades the components in that edition. Setup does not attempt to upgrade components present in SQL Server 7.0 Enterprise Edition unless it detects the presence of the Enterprise Edition. When the service pack is applied to a computer running MSDE 1.0, it does not attempt to upgrade components that are included only with SQL Server 7.0. When the service pack is applied to a computer running only the database client components, it does not attempt to upgrade any database server components.
Because SQL Server database component service packs are cumulative, SP4 includes the fixes from all earlier SQL Server 7.0 service packs. Therefore, SP4 can be applied to an original installation of SQL Server version 7.0 or MSDE 1.0, or to any SQL Server 7.0 or MSDE 1.0 installation to which a service pack has been applied previously.